October 18, 2024

When you launch your startup, how much sure are you about its success. 20%, 50% or 100%? It is really difficult to know and believe me none of the successful entrepreneurs did know this when they started theirs. But perseverance is a common trait among all of these successful entrepreneurs which helped them to achieve success. There are four major ingredients which leads to success, which are inspired from how Amazon has been successful, a more likeable and trustworthy brand.

Good Customer Service Strategy 

One of the core ingredient of Amazon’s success is good customer service strategy, to which Amazon has adhered since Jeff Bezos launched it as a bookstore. Jeff Bezos has always mentioned Amazon’s relentless focus on customer service as they key to be a successful company. The logic behind why customer service should be the focus is quite straight forward as Bezos said once “If you make a customer unhappy in the physical world, they will tell five people. Online they can tell 5000.”

Want proof, then read reviews of products on Amazon and also see Jini Ellyne’s answer on Quora about Why do people like Amazon.

Continued Innovation

Amazon is an eCommerce giant in the world, which is not doubtful. Had it been satisfied with this achievement, it certainly would not have evolved into a likeable brand. Amazon continually worked on innovating its technologies and processes to improve the customer experience. Superfast shipping, trusted customer reviews, amazing search functionality and many more such advancements are because of Amazon’s continue innovation with proper understanding of customer behavior when they purchase. Amazon Flow, Amazon Kindle, Echo, Prime and Amazon Web Services are some of the many innovations from Amazon, which makes Amazon more than just a successful e-commerce company  See the list of all Amazon’s products & services published on Minterest.

Improve Execution

The ultimate objective of every business is good customer satisfaction and we are talking two kinds of customers – internal customers and external customers. External customers are those who buy your product or consume your services. Internal customers are your Employees, who needs to be equally motivated and productive. To improve execution, Amazon not only invests huge in operations to fasten the deliveries, attending customer concerns and in excelling in vendor relationships. Jeff Bezos’ methods of managing employees are quite straight forward and brutal sometimes, which is fruitful to build a productive team than a team pleasing everyone else. Jeff Bezos mentioned in one of his interviews that he suggests his employees to disagree when required, but still commit.

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Lose the Fear

Amazon came into the market when success over the internet was uncertain and Jeff launched Amazon with an uncertain yet potential opportunity he foresaw in online commerce. As he stated in one of his interviews, he thought of himself 80 years old and imagined himself regretting things of not doing [Just try imagining yourself in the same way]. As he rightly said, the current day fear will seem so small before that regret and that will make things simple for you to go ahead, even if you are uncertain of the future. Not all the innovations from Amazon are successful (like Fire Phone, Amazon Destinations and Amazon Local), but they never stopped innovating or building new products. There will be failure and you can’t let that fear of failure stop you from evolving.

There are loads of resources on Amazon’s success and Jeff Bezos’ mantra for achieving success. You can also read Brad Stone’s “The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon” for more insights and please note that this is an unofficial biography.

Note: We are no way related to Brad Stone, but we will surely inform him that we are promoting his book without his knowledge.